About Lucy

I am Lucy a Mum of 2 and incubating another, officially in my 40's and I have been master of transforming lives since 1981... Honestly since the day I was born ask my Mum x

I help people leave behind or transorm their inter-personal relationships whatever they are with. I help people find their inner power and show them how to heal themselves FOREVER.

I have learned tools and been trained by the best in the world and have developed systems that make it easy and permanent to change your life.

I am an open book, so you have any questions - hit me up!

Love and Light Lucy xx

P.s. Some woo info on me

Human Design profile Maifestor 6/2 with Spleen Authority

Money archetype are: Maverick with romantic ruler accumilator heading up the supoorting roles

I Home ed my kiddos and bloody love it.

I am a master problem solver and use a magical mixture or logic, science, and  energy psychology in my work with you.

Love and Light

Lucy xx

Fancy a chat to see what I can do for you?

Epic! Pop your details and I will be in touch xx