£444 for lifetime access

Purpose and Prosperity

  • Why you want it.
  • Why you don't have it
  • What you can do about it.

Your 12 weeks at a glance..

Your Mission 

Lets' get to what we truly desire, lets focus on the outcome of your desires - why you want it, why you don't have it and what you are going to do about it

Your Stories

Nail down why you do what you do and how you can turn those patterns around, by using subconscious self activation tools, and getting real on how quantum mechanics and spirituality truly mesh together

Your Past

We head deep into the field of your past lives and ancestral ties to see the truths you are living that might not be yours or are centuries old. 

Your Mess

De-clutter like you have never de-cluttered before! we clear out everything from limiting beliefs to lingerie! and make room for all the wealth and money 

Your Limits

Lets get real with boundaries and limits, see you your comfort zone for what is and see what life could be like in the genius zone.... Lets see the sabotages for what they are.

Your Control

A real look into control what we can and want we cannot control and how to cope with losing control and being out of control. Lets also see what impact other money blocks are having on you and how you can counteract other beliefs and negativity.

Your Universe

The key to living is understand the key laws of the universe and how to use them to your advantage - the universe has the odds stacked in your favour, choose to see

Your Future

We will take a peak into your future and see how far you have come and decide on your key next steps

***Brand new content for December 2022***


Your Purpose 

Now we get real on the journey of your soul, we have cleared so much to make way for real questions, real answers and inspiring action

Your Money

A whole week to go deep and specific on your money status and get real about on your relationship with money, actual tools and strategy you can implement. 

Your Behaviour

This is a doozy and new content too!!  This is where we get real on owning our behaviour and our actions and get big on ideas that light you up

Your People  

who's blocks are you letting affect you and who are you affecting.. we look at language and how we talk and react to others opinions and blocks to your success,



Gifts you will receive

  • Connection with future self
  • Past life Journey
  • Understanding your stories and beliefs
  • The art of decluttering and incrementally upgrading
  • The art of control
  • Self sabotage - seeing it and smashing through
  • believe to receive
  • Critical questioning
  • psychological reversal
  • Upper limits and Capacity
  • Understanding of quantum physics and the universal laws to work with
  •  loads more


  • Self study programme to find your purpose and discover how to use it to create the wealth you desire
  • Access to ALL future upgrades of the course
  • 12 modules of pre recorded videos
  • Lifetime access to all the content
  • We run this course live twice a year and you are invited to upgrade when we do


    This stuff is simple, Once you know it.

    And now You will...

    What you'll get:

  • 12 modules pre recorded content
  • insight into past present and future patterns
  • Invite the wealth in with no guilt
  • Live up to your soul purpose potential
  • learn leave imposter syndrome and you cheeky ego at the friggin' door.
  • Loads of videos to keep you on track 
  • (content subject to change because Lucy is a intuitive leader and things might need shaking up a smidge!)